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Community Outreach & Public Art Projects

The GSNC believes in active community based art projects. Over the years we have brought the neighborhood together to create opportunities for residents and friends to showcase their creative talents.

Tree Scarves

July - December 2019

Residents and friends of Glenwood South are meeting at the Glenwood Gatherings to knit scarves to add to the snowflake scarves. All of the scarves will wrap a tree on the Capitol grounds on December12, 2019 at 6pm.

Follow Glenwood Gatherings on Facebook to know of the dates to knit. In January, the scarves will be taken down, washed and distributed to those in need.

Knitting Time

January 2019

Residents and friends of Glenwood South met to knit hats, scarves, tote bags and mittens to donate to the Women's Center.

1,000 Snowflakes

December 2018

Residents and friends of Glenwood South met to crotchet snowflakes and then hung them in over 100 trees on Glenwood Avenue.

Snowflake Projection

December 2018

In conjunction with the 1,000 Snowflake Project, GSNC was able to project a video of snowflakes falling onto the Gensler Building.

Neighborhood Piano

September 2018

GSNC with the assistance from the City of Raleigh’s Downtown Coordinator, has placed a piano on Glenwood Avenue in front of the Glenwood Pharmacy and Market, 401 Glenwood Ave. This brightly painted piano is available for anyone to play and enjoy.  This project has added to the unique and lively nature of our neighborhood.

Thanks to Tony Basford for making this old piano sound so good!

Refugee Mats

Winter 2017

Over the winter of 2017, more than 100 GSNC volunteers worked together in weekly gatherings to create mats from the neighborhood’s recycled plastic bags. About 55 mats were created and donated to the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. Approximately 700-900 household plastic bags were used in making each mat, which took about about 40 hours of labor to sort, cut and crochet.

Peace Tree

Fall 2015


During the fall of 2015, over 200 neighborhood volunteers learned to fold origami cranes to decorate a 12 foot “Peace Tree” donated by the Carolina Ale House.   Over 2,500 cranes were created.

Cool Walkings

October 2015

On October 18th, 2015, three intersections in Glenwood South (Glenwood Avenue at Tucker, North and Jones Streets)  were revitalized with new and interesting crosswalks. Inspired by Donna Belt, citizen artist and board member of the GSNC, the COOL WALKINGS project brought together the leadership of the Downtown Raleigh Alliance, the Raleigh Arts Commission, Raleigh’s Public Works Department and the Glenwood South Neighborhood Collaborative, to create the city’s first ever permanent public art installation on public streets.

Poetry Wall

June 2014

In June 2014, a chalkboard poetry wall highlighting favorite neighborhood quotes and poetry was constructed on the former Clark Art building. Today that building will be the new home of Tin Roof. Donna Belt and friends were dedicated to changing the poetry wall on a regular basis. Donna has this to say about the poetry wall. “I’m grateful to Charles Long for allowing the GSNC to use the former Clark Art building for the past five years as a Poetry Board highlighting community. Whether it was reviewing the US Constitution, pulling out favorite song lyrics, sharing memories of summer, or providing ground for a group zentangle, these chalkboard shutters served as an ever changing picture of neighborhood connections.”

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